Royal Son

The long-awaited moment has arrived. The royal family in England has a new little boy. The world will welcome this one, 7th in line to the Royal Throne, with accolades and gifts fitting his station in life. Money will not be an issue, but public life already is. Such is the life of royalty into which he was born. All of us who are taken with the fairy-tale story behind this royal family are delighted and wish them the best, even as those of us who have had children of our own know that the life Harry and Meghan lived before is forever gone. There is always a death in a birth.

Saturday, I circled with a family who had lost someone too soon. He was a self-made kind of guy, who had smart hands, the fix-it guy in the family. He made his living manipulating things. That was his station in life. Money may have been an issue, but public life was not. Such is the life of the working class in America into which he was born. His circle of fans was his family and friends, and they wish the family the best. If it is the practice of their community of faith, they pray for the repose of his soul. My spiritual practice acknowledges that death is not the end of life, but can be seen as a birth into a greater life. There is always a birth in a death.

Royal or not, these two human beings are the same, one with you and me and the whole human family. Both are equally essential to a larger fabric of Being. Our prayers are with both.

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